You might recognize Chaz from our hair types page with his Type 4 curls.  What you might not know is that Chaz was voted Best Hair in our High School growing up, and it's really not hard to see why. Just look at those curls! 

 Dip: Was there one moment that triggered your move into being plastic free (or less plastic blind)

Chaz: Yes, watching countless documentaries of sea animals being tangled in plastic waste, and worst. There’s this one video of a turtle that had a plastic straw stuck in its nose that has stayed with me for a long time. It was then when I made a conscious decision to do better.

Dip: I think we all know that video. It has about 85 Million Views. What have you done to change your habits now that you know plastic is not getting recycled and instead is just accumulating on the planet

Chaz: I try to be mindful in all of my day-to-day actions and how it affects the world I live in, so trying to use more plastic free products was a step.

Dip:  You're not a parent yet, but is there something you're worried that future generations won't get to enjoy the way you did as a kid?  

Chaz: I’m worried that there may not be any safe waters to swim in or any sea life to admire.

Dip:  Us too. Everyone talks about the oceans but we are just as concerned about the impact we have on freshwater. What compelled you to go eco-friendly and choose dip?  What were you using before? 

Chaz: Dip was a great option towards making a smart decision that helps the environment, and even better that it does wonders for my hair. Before, I was using other products that worked well with my hair, but they are not plastic free.

Dip: What's your hair drama? (we all have one)

Chaz: My hair has a few different textures so learning to except it, be happy with it, be proud of it, and how to take care of it has taken a very long time.

Dip: You were voted Best Hair in High School....are you still wearing that crown? :)

Chaz: My hair is even more fabulous today than it was senior year in high school! I wish we could do a Then &  Now.

Dip:  Oh, that can certainly be arranged :) Tell us a story, any story about your hair. 

Chaz: As a young lad, I wanted my hair to look like everyone else’s and not what I was born with. I shaved it bald, I had braids, cornrows, permed it, and even dyed it to the point that my hair was more of an orange then a lighter brown. They called me "Cheeto head" (not Chaz).

Dip: What's the one plastic thing you refuse to give up?  (ex. mine are press-on nails)

Chaz: Fortunately, there isn’t thing plastic that I am tied to, I think the challenge is finding substitutes for all of those items that do generally come in plastic, like my toothpaste to my mouth wash, to my medicine.

Dip:  Oh man, this sounds like a perfect time to plug our friends at Bite.  They make some great stuff!  Here at dip we're all about our relationship to water:  ocean, lakes, rivers, showers...
How does water play an important role to your soul/well being?

Chaz: Laying out by any moving body water is one of the best zen places I can feel the most balanced and connected.

Dip: How do you dip out of the mainstream?  

Chaz: I turn off my phone.

Dip: You're officially a Rebel with a Cause:  what's your superlative?  

Chaz: Most likely to ask for the dairy free Frappuccino but wants the extra whip.


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