
Here’s Why You Should Always Wear Your Hair Down to Surf

Here’s Why You Should Always Wear Your Hair Down to Surf

Living on North Shore, O'ahu I was surrounded by competitive and professional surfers. They all had their hair down (just look at action shots of Alana Blanchard, her sun soaked blonde hair reaches past her waist and she doesn’t tie it up) but I thought loose hair was only for the professionals, once you got good at surfing. I realized they just knew what I didn’t. Loose hair while surfing actually tangles less and therefore breaks less than hair tied up while surfing.

Five Things Only Environmentalists Will Understand About Big Box Retail Shopping

Five Things Only Environmentalists Will Understand About Big Box Retail Shopping

Big box retail refers to super stores like Walmarts and Targets and Home Depots which have commodified convenience at a cost to our environment. From the land amount they occupy to the high volume consumption to the very means of getting to these retail spaces, big box retail has harmfully shaped the ways we live. We’ve complied a list to help you understand these harms. 

The Hidden Truth About  Plastic Recycling that  Nobody Wants to Talk About

The Hidden Truth About Plastic Recycling that Nobody Wants to Talk About

So why haven’t companies just stopped making plastic, problem solved? Convenience and cost. Plastic is easy to make and costs the least to do so. In addition, plastic production companies want you to believe there’s a sustainable solution so your moral compass is okay with continuing to buy plastic and they continue to run as a business.

15 Things You Thought Belong in Your Recycling Bin but Actually are Bound for the Landfill & How They Can be Ruining Your Actual Recycling As Well

15 Things You Thought Belong in Your Recycling Bin but Actually are Bound for the Landfill & How They Can be Ruining Your Actual Recycling As Well

Wish-cycling doing quite the opposite actually. When your recycling is picked up and brought to a plant it’s first sorted and because of the immense volume of recycling that comes through daily they can’t pick out every piece of non-recyclable plastic mixed in. When they can’t pick it out it doesn’t go through and get to be recycled, instead the entire batch goes to landfill. Even the stuff that was supposed to be there. 


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