Sometimes the Earth gifts us some really cool people, and Lisa Peterson is one of them. Lisa is not only a customer, she is an advocate for the planet, an ocean lovin' surfer, a pretty damn great product tester, amazingly talented the artist.
As if Earth wasn't beautiful enough, Lisa makes it even more beautiful with her art. We are super proud to Dip in with Lisa:
As if Earth wasn't beautiful enough, Lisa makes it even more beautiful with her art. We are super proud to Dip in with Lisa:

Dip: What is one thing you wish more people knew about the ocean?
Lisa: It can’t possibly sustain us if we overfish it and dump all our shit in it, it’s super short sighted that we are still doing that...and not doing more about it.
Dip: That is so true, overfishing & ghost gear from fishing both are major stressors of the sea. What compelled you to go eco-friendly and choose dip?
Lisa: I was at Sano when my friend Lucy came up to me and asked if I wanted to try this conditioner bar, (back when you had NOAP). I said "absolutely!", she gave it to me and I’ve been using that ever since-- and now I’m onto the next gen with Dip. I love it and it’s the best thing for travel, the beach, and it’s the only thing that allows me to brush out my hair after a surf.
Dip: Lucy is awesome--so are Nico & Kristen from GrlSwirl who introduced me to her. We love how our brand has spread organically through amazing women like yourself who tell their friends. (Thank you by the way!!)
But let's get back to your art because it's so cool. Tell us how does the water inspire your art?
Lisa: Water inspires my art and if you look at most any of my pieces you will likely see something watery, either colors or textures or mood, it’s in there. I’ve surfed all my life; I come from a surfing family (look up “Preston” Pete Peterson, it will come up under legendary surfers.
My mom also surfed. The ocean is firmly a part of who I am and it always has been and always will be.
I just turned 63 and I still surf a lot.

Dip: You inspired me to keep surfing after a 10 year hiatus; I'll always be thankful for that!! OK back to your art, how did you discover your favorite medium?
Lisa: I paint in inks and acrylics, sometimes I do mixed media. I’ll use whatever seems like it would work. I’ve always done art things but painting is newer to me. I would have to say that all of my life experiences are in the art I create.
Dip: What's the one plastic thing you refuse to give up? Mine are press-on nails, and I'm embarrassed about it.
I have a hard time giving up plastic wrap but have been finding ways around that, for example, I have silicone lids that stretch over containers and fruits etc, that’s helping a lot!
Dip: That's amazing--you're better than me. ::taps nails on the table:: Last question: how do you dip out of the mainstream?
Lisa: I don’t lead a typical life, I’m married (that’s normal), and I live in Oregon...but I spend 5 months a year away from my husband and home to surf Sano and surrounding areas all summer long. I then spend the winters with my husband in Canada skiing so I’m not "home" much--but I love that paint is so portable. I don’t follow norms because they are not normal.

Dip: OK, actual last question: What's your superlative?
Lisa: I’m basically an Old lady, Surfer, Buddhist, Hippy, Artist
Dip: so basically "Most Likely to Grow Up to be the Coolest Person You Know"
Thanks Lisa for sharing some bits about you and your life--and your art with us. Also extra thank you for testing the new formulas while Dip was just a twinkle in our eye. We will always be thankful that the universe sent you our way!
(...and of course, we LOVE your hair!)
For everyone else: Lisa regularly shares her art here and in case you were wondering, the position for President of her Fan Club has already been filled :)